How to make Windows “forget” network share login

Sometimes in testing network settings and authentication ( for instance when setting up a Samba server and users on a CentOS, Ubuntu, or Feroda Linux system) I often find it useful to force my Windows PC client to “forget” the login username and password that it has on record, for the current session, so that I may login again with another username/password combo. Easily accomplished, this Windows trick works on all modern Microsoft operating systems.

The situation: You need to login again to a network share on a Windows file server, or a Linux server,  without rebooting the client computer.

The fix: Disconnect from the shares using the NET command.

  1. Open a command prompt. (My favorite way is: Win-R, type cmd, press Enter)
  2. Type NET USE * /DELETE
  3. It will prompt you for verification, type Y and Enter.

That’s it! Enjoy, and may your login be forgotten!

Courtesy, Microsoft:

Posted under Microsoft, Network, Software, Windows

How To Tell Windows XP To Not Look For New Wireless Networks

In order to make Windows XP ignore new wireless networks, there must be some sort of registry tweak or something, right? There must be some way to force the manual setup of new wireless network connections in Windows, right? Let’s find out… After a bit of Googling came up with these:
This one may be true, but on the system I checked the checkbox mentioned was not ticked.  Not to mention, this does not keep the wireless adapter from finding, or scanning for, new wireless networks and reporting that they are in view.

Posted under Microsoft, Network, Wireless

How to fix “is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Access is denied.” Network error with accessing XP windows shares

Trying to access a Windows XP host computer over a LAN (local area network) and get into it’s shared folders.

This little turd of an error can be really irritating. It happens when trying to access a shared folder, or any shares, on a remote, but LAN networked, Windows XP computer. After running the Network Setup Wizard on the host computer, and enabling file and printer sharing, it just won’t go away. In Windows XP Professional, you can go into the explorer view settings, and disable Simple File Sharing, which didn’t fix it either.

The fix ended up being a simple registry edit, suggested by Microsoft:

Here is the process:

To resolve this issue, set the value of the restrictanonymous registry entry to 0. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
  2. Locate and then double-click the following registry subkey:
  3. On the right side, double-click restrictanonymous.
  4. Make sure that the value in the Value data box is set to 0, and then click OK.
  5. Close Registry Editor.
  6. Restart the computer.

This worked like a charm more than once for me.

Posted under Microsoft, Network, WordPress