How to Find Large Files in Ubuntu Linux
If you want to find files above a certain size, or find files between certain sizes, then you may use the +size x and -size x switches to the find command.
For example:
find /etc -size +100k -size -150k
This command will find all files inside the /etc directory that are between 100k and 150k in size.
Posted under Linux
This post was written by Content Curator on May 25, 2011
How to Make a Backup Script for Shell in Linux
For those who hack a lot of Linux at the command line interface, backing up files such as config files before editing is a good habit to have. IMHO anyway. So to save time, a little script can be written, chmod +x, and placed into /usr/local/bin or some other that users have in their executable shell PATH. I name mine “bu” to make it easy, and it takes one command line argument which is the filename of the file you want to make a backup copy of. It is called by running something like $ bu myfile
Here’s the code. Comments welcome ;) The code creates a timecode based on today’s date and the current time to the second, and appends that to the original filename. The a copy is saved with this new “timestamped” backup filename, right in the same directory. Easy-peasy!Â
#!/bin/bash OLDFILENAME=$1 DATECODE=$(date +%Y%m%d) TIMECODE=$(date +%H%M%S) NEWFILENAME="${OLDFILENAME}_backup${DATECODE}-$TIMECODE" cp $OLDFILENAME $NEWFILENAME SUCCESS=$? if [ $SUCCESS -eq 0 ];then echo "OK! Copied \"$OLDFILENAME\" to \"$NEWFILENAME\"" else echo "FAIL! You'll need to try again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" fi
Posted under Linux
This post was written by Content Curator on April 13, 2010
How to Show MySQL Warnings at CLI
When logged in to the MySQL server using the command line interface (CLI) the generated errors on the previously run command.
mysql> show warnings;
Thanks to Trevor Nichols and
This post was written by Content Curator on November 16, 2009
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Command Line Options
When running the SP3 install from the command line, choose the following options:
Service Pack 3 Setup
[/help] [/quiet] [/passive] [/norestart] [/forcerestart] [/warnrestart] [/promptrestart] [/overwriteoem] [/nobackup] [/forceappsclose] [/integrate:] [/d:] [/log:]
/help Displays this message
/quiet Quiet mode (no user interaction or display)
/passive Unattended mode (progress bar only)
/norestart Do not restart when installation is complete
/forcerestart Restart after installation
/warnrestart[:] Warn and restart automatically if required (default timeout 30 seconds)
/promptrestart Prompt if restart is required
/overwriteoem Overwrite OEM files without prompting
/nobackup Do not backup files needed for uninstall
/forceappsclose Force other programs to close when the computer shuts down
/integrate: Integrate this software update into
/d: Back up files into
/log: Create log file at
My Install
Command line:
D:\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU /nobackup /quiet /forcerestart /forceappsclose
Posted under Microsoft
This post was written by Content Curator on October 30, 2009
MySQL login with command line (CLI)
# mysql -h hostname -u username -p
It will prompt you for the password.
> connect dbname
Posted under MySQL
This post was written by Content Curator on September 17, 2007
Map a local folder as a new Drive letter
At the command prompt:
subst x: C:{pathname}foldername}
Posted under Uncategorized
This post was written by Content Curator on May 12, 2007