How to Use Microsoft Excel to Trim All Characters To The Right Of…

How to Use Microsoft Excel to Trim All Characters To The Right Of The First Occurrence A Specific Character:

This is a handy technique to trim all content in a cell that appears to the right of a particular character. For instance, to delete all content to the right of the first left parenthesis in the A1 cell:


Replace the character in the double quotes witht the character that is to be found and trimmed out along with all text to the right of it.

To trim all text to the right of, but not including the character, remove the -1 from the formula equation.

Posted under Uncategorized

This post was written by Content Curator on October 31, 2009

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Windows XP Service Pack 3 Command Line Options

When running the SP3 install from the command line, choose the following options:

Service Pack 3 Setup
[/help] [/quiet] [/passive] [/norestart] [/forcerestart] [/warnrestart] [/promptrestart] [/overwriteoem] [/nobackup] [/forceappsclose] [/integrate:] [/d:] [/log:]

/help Displays this message


/quiet Quiet mode (no user interaction or display)
/passive Unattended mode (progress bar only)


/norestart Do not restart when installation is complete
/forcerestart Restart after installation
/warnrestart[:] Warn and restart automatically if required (default timeout 30 seconds)
/promptrestart Prompt if restart is required


/overwriteoem Overwrite OEM files without prompting
/nobackup Do not backup files needed for uninstall
/forceappsclose Force other programs to close when the computer shuts down
/integrate: Integrate this software update into
/d: Back up files into
/log: Create log file at

My Install
Command line:
D:\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU /nobackup /quiet /forcerestart /forceappsclose

Posted under Microsoft

How To Copy Directories and Subdirectories Recursively With FTP (scp)

When transferring file directory structures between linux / Unix hosts, usinf FTP was what came to mind.  FTP has been used for many transfers in the past, but when forced (read:allowed) to use the command line to transfer files, the MGET and other FTP related commands were useless. So google to the rescue, and up pops this great simple writeup about how to copy host-to-host using the SCP command. Sweetness defined.

In essence:


This command will Verbosely and Recirsively do it’s thang. It will contact the remote host on port 2222 instead of the default port 22 used for SSH. The remote username is the unix username, and the remote hostname is the full DNS name or IP address of the remote unix box. The destination path is reltive to the root of the system, NOT relative to the user’s home dirtectory.

Have fun, and leave FTP for transferring single files or batches of files inside a single directory container only.

Posted under Freeware, Linux, Network

How to CHMOD on files but not directories (inodes)


“There are probably several methods, but one is to use find to produce a list of all files (not directories) and then execute chmod on each of them. For example

find /my/directory -type f -exec chmod 644 '{}' +

Change the red parts to fit your needs. If you wonder what that ‘{}’ is..well, you may have guessed that it’s where the filelist is being put when exec’ing the given command on each file.

You can also first try the command without chmod’ing to see that it affects the right files:

find /my/directory -type f

The above would find all regular files (not directories, for example) from within /my/directory.

If the command happens to throw you an error about the exec part, chances are it’s because of the plus sign (+) that ends the exec part. In this case try replacing the plus (+) with an escaped semicolon (\;) so it becomes

find /my/directory -type f -exec chmod 644 '{}' \;

On some machines I remember that it worked with semicolon (which needs a backslash in front of it, to protect it from being interpreted by your shell), but on my current installation it’s the plus sign (without a backslash).

Another way would probably be to list all regular files on the directory (using either find or any tool that can just list all files without directories) and then pipe the output to xargs with which the chmod was run.”

and from

June 19th, 2006

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

This will recursively search your directory tree (starting at dir ‘dot’) and chmod 755 all directories only.

Similarly, the following will chmod all files only (and ignore the directories):

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

Posted under Linux

This post was written by Content Curator on October 17, 2009

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