Set Windows clock to UTC time

Save the following lines as utc.reg, and then run it to import this registry tweak. It allows you to set the hardware clock in your PC’s BIOS to UTC time. This is handy for boot dual-booting Mac, or Linux, when those operating systems are set to read the BIOS clock as UTC time, instead of Windows’ preferred Local Time (ie. PST, PDT, MST, MDT, CST, CDT, EST, EDT, or the standard “GMT-” and “GMT+“)

Here is the code to save as utc.reg:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Posted under Apple, Linux, Microsoft

This post was written by Content Curator on October 30, 2007

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Update Microsoft Windows Defender manually

Microsoft makes manual download of update files easily accessible at this link:

This will download a file called Mpas-fe.exe
Try to save the file in a location that you can get to easily with a command prompt. (ie. C:\ )
Then, open a command prompt and run the program using the -q switch. It looks like this:

Mpas-fe.exe -q

The program will run quickly, and won’t give you any kind of confirmation that it has run or finished.

Open the Microsoft Windows Defender window to see what date your definition files have. This is how you can be sure that the update was successful.

IMPORTANT: The above info applies ONLY to 32-bit Operating Systems. For those of you using 64-bit platforms, see the full scoop here: 

Posted under Freeware, Microsoft

Firefox tip: Moving tabs between Firefox windows

So, you have two or more Firefox main windows open, and you need to close Firefox, but you’ll lose Firefox’s memory of all tabs in windows that are not the last one closed. Bummer.

This process assumes that you have Firefox set to “show my tabs from last time”.
Well, there are two ways to fox this. One is easy and requires no plugins. Here is the process:

  1. Pick one firefox window to be the recipient of all tabs. Maximize that window, or at least make it so you can see the tab bar, and it is near the top of your screen.
  2. By clicking on its icon on the Windows taskbar, open the other window that has tabs you want to save.
  3. Make sure that this second Firefox window is not maximized, and is small enough so that you can see the original Firefox window’s tab bar.
  4. Now, drag tabs from the second, smaller Firefox window, and drop them above on the original, bigger Firefox’s tab bar. NOTE: Read the next step too.
  5. If the original Firefox’s tab bar is full, or if it fills up as you drop tabs on it, then you can continue dropping tabs on the right-arrow button at the extreme right of the Firefox tab bar.
  6. Repeat step 4 for all tabs that you want to keep.
  7. Close the second, smaller Firefox window.
  8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for any other Firefox windows that you want to retrieve tabs from.
  9. Make sure that only your one main Firefox window is open. Now close it. It will remember all those tabs you put into it now.

The second way to make this happen in the future is to download the Session Manager plugin for Firefox.

Posted under Browsers, Freeware

This post was written by Content Curator on October 17, 2007

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How to Update Firefox on Fedora Core Linux

Using the yum command line usility:

yum -y –enablerepo=development update firefox

(there are two dashes preceding “enablerepo”)

When I used this line I got some transaction check failures thet looked something like:

file /usr/share/pkgconfig/gnome-doc-utils.pc from install of gnome-doc-utils-stylesheets-0.12.0-1.fc8 conflicts with file from package gnome-doc-utils-0.8.0-2.fc6

To fix this, I did the following:

yum -y –enablerepo=development update gnome-doc-utils

This updated the necessary packages, then I re-ran:

yum -y –enablerepo=development update firefox


Posted under Browsers, Freeware, Linux

This post was written by Content Curator on October 9, 2007

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