How To Create a Multiplayer Online Flash Game

One of our most important clients asked for an assessment of Adobe Flash multiplayer online game development and its viability.

Our researchers took a look at the current landscape of the MMO Flash world, and their findings may be of interest to anyone wanting to know how to create a multiplayer online Flash game. For the moment, though, let’s cut to the chase for those who don’t want to read too far; Making a multiplayer online game, for mass usage, is a huge undertaking with the potential to require significant amounts of money to get up-and-running… i.e. it is not a venture for the weekender or the kid who made one Flash animation and now wants to take on Club Penguin or the likes. If, however, you are a brave and tenacious soul, with a thirst for knowledge and huge challenges, and the ability to follow through on a project that does not pay a penny for years, then you might want to start with deciding on a server technology.

Servers for multiplayer online games using Flash are essentially XML socket servers. This means that it allows the gamer’s interface (i.e. client) to make socket connections, via the Internet network, into the server. You might want to look at ElectroServer 4, or if you know Microsoft C# (c-sharp) try this page:

Beyond a server, you’ll need some very solid AcrionScript 3 and Flash animation skills.

If you just want to tinker, or get involved with making games with minimal effort, but still requiring some Flash skills, try where you can can get help and documentation for getting started from day 1, and find an atmosphere of encouragement for the beginning multiplayer game developer who is leaning toward Adobe Flash as the medium.

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How To Make a Shiny Rounded Button in Adobe Illustrator

Using Adobe Illustrator CS4 (this procedure may also apply to CS3 and earlier versions, please let me know if it does) you can make a neat little object that looks like it is curved, rounded, and shiny, with a light shine highlight and edge darkening effect to get the full depth.

  1. Start with an image layer, containing the image that will be the skin of the object (which is in our case a round convex button).
  2. Put a new layer under it.
  3. On the new layer create a circle (Ellipse (L) tool and hold Shift to force circular, hold Alt to anchor center point of ellipse while manipulating the size) that encompasses the part of the image that whall be visible on the final “button” to be created.
  4. Create a radial gradient in the circle. Make it lighter in the center.
  5. Create a new layer between the image layer and the circle layer.
  6. Create another circle on this layer, a bit smaller than the last one, and shifted down a bit so it almost touches on the lower boundary of the circles.
  7. On the same layer create an ellipse that is larger than the circle, but leaves a crescent at the top of the button, for the shine.
  8. Using the layers box, and holding Shift, select both these layers. Then click Pathfinder > Subtract From Shape. This trims out all but the crescent.  (If it does the opposite, Undo (Ctrl-Z) back and reverse the order stacking order of the circle and ellipse on this layer, and try this step again.)
  9. Create a new layer between the image layer and the original circle layer.
  10. On this layer create a rectangle that covers the entire crescent.
  11. In the rectangle, create a white-down-to-black gradient (at -90 deg.) using the standard black and white color pair.
  12. Using the layers box again, select both the rectangle and crescent layers.
  13. On the Transparency panel dropdown (located in the right-corner of the panel) menu selet Make Opacity Mask.
  14. Select the original circle and copy it.
  15. Select the image layer, and paste the circle using Ctrl-F.
  16. Select the pasted circle. Remove the fill and stroke from it.
  17. Select the entire image layer (which selects all sublayers too) and do Ctrl-7 to create a clipping mask. Now your button looks round.
  18. Create a new layer above the image layer, but under the shine layer.
  19. Paste the circle again into this new layer.
  20. Convert the fill to a B&W gradient.
  21. On the gradient, move the center nugget toward the black as far as it will go. This creates a domed shadow effect.
  22. In the Transparency panel, select Mode of Multiply, then select Opacity of 20%.

Viola! Now you have a round  button that looks roundy and shiny.  Rotate the crescent layer to change the direction of light in the shine.

Great Adobe Illustrator tutorial I got this metod… thank you Veerle!

Posted under Graphic, Uncategorized, WebDev

How to Delete Returns in Excel

The pesky carraige return and new line characters, while providing a way to present text for human viewing, are not always desirable when working in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or

In Excel, a bit of code provided by Ivan Moala on, works wonders. Here is the code:

'Created by Chip Pearson
'Cleans up data by removing tabs and carriage returns in worksheet cells.
Sub CleanUp()
Dim TheCell As Range
For Each TheCell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
With TheCell
If .HasFormula = False Then
.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(.Value)
End If
End With
Next TheCell
End Sub

Here’s how to use it:

  • In Excel click Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor (or just hit Alt-F11)
  • In the top-left pane under the Project heading, double-click the name of the sheet you want to strip all the newlines and carriage returns from.
  • In the window that pops up, paste the code above into the empty box under where you see General and Declarations.
  • Run the macro by clicking the “play” button above, or hit F5

Warning: make a backup copy of your Excel workbook before performing the above procedure.

Posted under Excel, Microsoft, Uncategorized

How to Use Microsoft Excel to Trim All Characters To The Right Of…

How to Use Microsoft Excel to Trim All Characters To The Right Of The First Occurrence A Specific Character:

This is a handy technique to trim all content in a cell that appears to the right of a particular character. For instance, to delete all content to the right of the first left parenthesis in the A1 cell:


Replace the character in the double quotes witht the character that is to be found and trimmed out along with all text to the right of it.

To trim all text to the right of, but not including the character, remove the -1 from the formula equation.

Posted under Uncategorized

This post was written by Content Curator on October 31, 2009

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Quickbooks online Virtual Terminal URL

Posted under QuickBooks, Uncategorized

This post was written by Content Curator on September 17, 2007

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ZyXel G-200 Plus status lights

LAN 1 thru 4 lights illuminate orange when connected

WAN blink green

SYS solid green

PWR solid green

Posted under Network, Uncategorized, ZyXel

This post was written by Content Curator on September 17, 2007

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Qwest DNS servers

Posted under Uncategorized

This post was written by Content Curator on September 12, 2007

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Newegg review hack

To write a review for a product, go to this address and append the product # at the end of URL:

Posted under Uncategorized

This post was written by Content Curator on August 29, 2007

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Map a local folder as a new Drive letter

At the command prompt:

subst x: C:{pathname}foldername}

Posted under Uncategorized

This post was written by Content Curator on May 12, 2007

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