Ubuntu / GRUB2 bootloader on Asus N90s
The system won’t boot with the normal default configuration that GRUB assigns. The APIC or something related causes the system to go to a blank screen and stay there. Manually change these settings at boot time, or permanently change them in /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”nolapic nohz=off”
Posted under Linux, Operating System
This post was written by Content Curator on September 16, 2012
How to Find Large Files in Ubuntu Linux
If you want to find files above a certain size, or find files between certain sizes, then you may use the +size x and -size x switches to the find command.
For example:
find /etc -size +100k -size -150k
This command will find all files inside the /etc directory that are between 100k and 150k in size.
Source: http://www.unixtutorial.org/2008/03/find-large-files-and-directories/
Posted under Linux
This post was written by Content Curator on May 25, 2011
How to set up DNS servers in Linux
Edit /etc/resolv.conf
Add the following:
Posted under Linux
This post was written by Content Curator on July 17, 2007
Disable screen saver / blanking, in text-mode terminal, Linux
Thanks to Vivek’s page
To stop the screen from blanking:
# setterm -powersave off -blank 0
Posted under Linux
This post was written by Content Curator on March 9, 2007
Set time at command line in Linux
This works for all Linux flavors as far as I know:
The date command is used to set the system clock using the switch -s and the format MMDDhhmmYYYY (where MM=month, DD=day, hh=24-hour hour, mm=minute, YYYY=year)
The following example sets the date to January 5th 2007, 1:15 PM:
# date -s 010513152007
Posted under Linux
This post was written by Content Curator on March 9, 2007