Alternate Time Servers for Automatic Clock Set

In modern Microsoft Windows operating systems and all Unix / Linux systems the system clock time can be set automatically. The computer will connect to a special server on the Internet called a Network Time Protocol server, and get the current universal time, and then adjust it according to the local time zone on the computer. It keeps the computer clock very accurate and corrects drift before it can become much of a problem.

We recommend using a reliable server:

A wonderful group of generous folks provide this extremely reliable cluster of computers for us all to use, free of charge. Thank you NTP Pool Project and all the participants!

Posted under Freeware, Linux, WebDev

Set time at command line in Linux

This works for all Linux flavors as far as I know:

The date command is used to set the system clock using the switch -s and the format MMDDhhmmYYYY (where MM=month, DD=day, hh=24-hour hour, mm=minute, YYYY=year)

The following example sets the date to January 5th 2007, 1:15 PM:

# date -s 010513152007

Posted under Linux

This post was written by Content Curator on March 9, 2007

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